Assessments are typically of three types: One is assessment ‘for’ learning-that is to decide the learning plan; second is assessment ‘of’ learning-that is to decide how well the learner has learnt and third is ‘as’ learning: assessment itself as learning. Alchemy approach to assessment is assessment ‘as’ and ‘for’ learning. Our assessment practice smoothens and sharpens development and often the proces itself becomes a major learning.
Need for Assessments
Team and organizational effectiveness deserves a great deal of attention since organizational performance is its direct derivative. Assessments are helpful in establishing the current state of a specific team or the entire organization. The help in identifying the gap between the desired and current states. The process also helps in bench-marking and raising the bar. Scientific assessment using objective tools and intelligent analysis paints a clear picture and paves way for focused change.
The Alchemy Advantage
Alchemy consultants have decades of experience of leading teams themselves as also guiding others in leading teams. We have the wherewithal to assess the team’s current state vis-à-vis its potential. Understanding the aspirations, pain points and development areas and suggesting a custom-made solution is the Alchemy advantage to clients. Having suggested the possible solutions, we are equipped and glad to help client teams reach their potential.
Alchemy Offerings
Our Assessment Process
Quick Look at Our Portfolio

Management Development Program
Take aways: Leadership pipeline
Methodology: Group Coaching, Individual Coaching and Live projects.
Duration: 6-9 months
Group size: 20-25

Small Group Coaching
Take aways: Upholding individual interests while building something greater together, enhanced collaboration, better conflict-handling, innovation culture
Methodology: Conversations, Group tevolution models
Group-size: Upto 15
Duration: 6-8 Sessions over 8 months

Living Our Values
Take aways: Understanding true meaning of values, Bridging the gap between espoused and demonstrated values, inspiring by connecting the dots between daily work and larger purpose.
Methodology: Movie-making, skits, Role-plays, poster competition
Duration: Available in micro-modules of 4 hours to full 2-day workshop
Group-size: 7 to 100

High Performance Teams
Take aways: Inspired, ambitious team members; ready to walk the extra mile for the organization
Methodology: Experiential activities, Team effectiveness scale, theatre based activities
Group-size: 16 to 100
Duration: Two days