
Are you a stone or a sponge?

By |2020-11-12T17:52:48+05:30November 12th, 2020|

Here is the latest Alchemy video in link with Tee off with Ramkey! This next video by Ramkey will make you look for the answer yourself! Are you a stone or a sponge... or something more as he explains. Watch the video and do share your views.

Ikigai A Reason for Being

By |2020-09-01T18:04:32+05:30September 1st, 2020|

Here is the latest Alchemy video in link with Tee off with Ramkey! Ramkey, our principal consultant, shares some leadership learning across his vast experience through this video series. Questions he came across like - Which career option should I take? Since what choices I make will determine how happy I am! - Is explained [...]

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