Alchemy Training Solution are distilled from our experience of working with multiple clients spanning many sectors. We have come to believe that each level in the organization offers leadership opportunities to people irrespective of what roles they play. Each such phase also encounters a unique set of challenges and opportunities. Alchemy solutions, therefore, are clustered in a multi-phase fashion: Early Career, Mid Career, Executive and Board. Thank you, in advance, for showing interest in Alchemy Training Solutions. Get in touch with us for a wider suite and customised solutions.
Transition from being responsible for one’s actions to being additionally responsible for others’ actions is a major milestone in one’s career. Whether it means becoming a people manager or wearing an influencer hat, certain changes need to happen at a temperament level, and consequently, at the action level. Training support accelerates such changes, reduces stress in the system and promotes high performance.
The Alchemy Advantage
Alchemy offerings for Early Career are a thoughtful combination of reflection and action. We equip participants with managerial tools which they can use deftly to increase effectiveness at work. Parallel work on mindset-building ensures that the learning sticks. Our vast experience of working with organizations from across different sectors presents a unique advantage to clients.
Alchemy Offerings
Our Engagement Process
Quick Look at Our Portfolio

Motivational Analysis of Organizations - Behaviour (MAO-B)
Take away: Understand individual stimulus by the measures of the six distinct primary motives, measure of effectiveness by extent of the two dimensions: Approach (Hope of) and Avoidance (Fear of).
Methodology: Original instrument, explanatory workshop
Batch-size: 7-50
Duration: 1 Day

Small Group Coaching
Take aways: Upholding individual interests while building something greater together, enhanced collaboration, better conflict-handling, innovation culture Methodology: Conversations, Group revolution models
Group -size: Upto 15
Duration: 6-8 Sessions over 8 months